We help Sales Orgs connect to our national network of installers so they can sell into more territories and make more money per sale as well.
We help installers in local or multi state locations connect with Sales Orgs that can push more install volume to them.
And with our material pricing so low, they make a lot more per install and can leverage our project managers to lower operational costs while increasing install volume.
We help organizations that do both sales and installation make more money by leveraging our free technology and low material costs.
Ensuring they can make more per install and giving them the opportunity to sell into new markets with way less risk.
as seen on:
How we’re different
Unlike other platforms we don’t charge to use our tech*
No seat fees - No startup fees
Our clients will save thousands per month on tech and licensing alone
We pay 100% commission
Aggressively low material pricing because we have negotiated incredible SPA’s
Our platform is very flexible and highly customizable. As such, we can help installers, sales orgs, and vertically integrated solar companies
We put the end customer first
- Solar certified CPA provided for free
- 100% depreciation possible with our CPA firm
- Complimentary credit repair if needed
Schedule 45-Min Discovery Call
*As long as you are maintaining 5 deals+ a month to cover server and software costs
How We Do It
Complimentary Tech Stack
*CRM for sales and project management, unlike other platforms we don’t charge you a penny to use our tech.
Sales orgs keep all the commission.
Submit 10 deals in the first 2 weeks on the platform and unlock $2K M1's
Here at Solerro we believe you should be able to know exactly how much you are getting paid every time.
Financing Partners
25 year Battery Only
Lower dealer fees for Solerro
Unlock Your Growth
We help you expand into new states without setting up new offices or hiring additional crews
Access to lower SPAs (Special pricing agreement)
Streamlined project management and installation services across 20 states soon to be 50
Say goodbye to your fragmented tech stack that causes slow communication and workflow breakdowns
A tech-driven platform that simplifies operations and increases profit margins
Better cash flow management – We cover all BOM materials
Seamless CRM integration to manage leads, proposals, and customer communication efficiently
Market specific top tier install pay
Schedule 45-Min Discovery Call
Earn Passive Income
Referral fee on every install residually
For every sales enabled organization you refer to us we will pay out $50 per KW installed every single month for the life of that Sales Org. relationship